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Gas exchange and plant growth after defoliation on Leandra lacunosa, a cerrado woody species with continuous leaf production BABT
Damascos,Maria Angélica; Ronquim,Carlos Cesar; Prado,Carlos Henrique Britto Assis.
Morphological and physiological leaf traits were studied on control and defoliated potted Leandra lacunosa young plants. After defoliation, remaining bottom leaves showed no significant change in net photosynthesis and stomatal conductance values with time, but the leaf transpiration rate was higher. The production of the new leaves was greater after defoliation in top defoliated plants. Bottom defoliated plants increased stem extension rates and net photosynthesis transitorily. Two months after defoliation, control and defoliated plants did not differ in stem length and root dry mass values. In spite of smaller area and photosynthetic capacity, remaining bottom leaves were able to compensate top leaves elimination. The effectiveness of this compensatory...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Compensatory photosynthesis; Herbivory; Leaf age; Leaf phenology; Leandra lacunosa.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Occurrence and parasitism of aphids (Hemiptera: Aphididae) on cultivars of irrigated oat (Avena spp.) in São Carlos, Brazil BABT
Ronquim,Júlio Cesar; Pacheco,Josué Marques; Ronquim,Carlos Cesar.
The interactions between aphids and their Hymenopteran parasitoids on irrigated oats as well as the response of different cultivars of cereals regarding the resistance to these aphids and the influence on the host/parasitoid relationships were studied during two years in São Carlos, Brazil. Rhopalosiphum padi (L.) was the predominant aphid observed throughout the study, while the other species were rarely found. Five species of parasitic Hymenoptera were found: three primary parasitoids, Lysiphlebus testaceipes (Cresson), Aphidius colemani (Viereck) and Diaeretiella rapae (M'Intosh) and two hyperparasitoids, Syrphophagus aphidivorus (Myer) and Alloxysta brassicae (Ashmead). The UPF 86081 cultivar presented significant results regarding lower Rhopalosiphum...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Aphids; Biological control; Oats; Parasitoid; Plant resistance.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Growth and photosynthetic capacity in two woody species of cerrado vegetation under different radiation availability BABT
Ronquim,Carlos Cesar; Prado,Carlos Henrique B. de A.; Paula,Nádia Figueiredo de.
Seedlings of two woody species of cerrado vegetation, Copaifera langsdorffii and Eriotheca gracilipes, were studied under three different radiation availability (100, 80 and 30% transmittance). Full solar radiation brought about more biomass, higher total leaf area, higher maximal photosynthesis per crown on area or on mass bases and higher photosynthetic capacity on area bases. Only the photosynthetic capacity values on leaf mass bases were higher in both species under low radiation availability (80 and 30% transmittance). The differences of accumulated biomass appeared more clearly after 4 months of sowing but the root/shoot dry biomass ratio and height were maintained constant for both species independently of the available radiation. Cultivated under...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Biomass allocation; Cerrado; Copaifera langsdorffii; Eriotheca gracilipes; Growth in shade; Photosynthesis.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Growth, photosynthesis and leaf water potential in young plants of Copaifera langsdorffii Desf. (Caesalpiniaceae) under contrasting irradiances Braz. J. Plant Physiol.
Ronquim,Carlos Cesar; Prado,Carlos Henrique B. A.; Souza,João Paulo de.
Growth and leaf nutrient content were compared in young potted plants of Copaifera langsdorffii in sunny and shaded areas without water stress. Besides, carbon assimilation and leaf water relations were evaluated by net photosynthesis, potential photochemical efficiency and leaf water potential during daily courses in dry and rainy periods under natural conditions in both contrasting irradiances. Higher values of total biomass, height and leaf area occurred in sunny than in shaded area. On the other hand, all young plants survived in shade under natural water stress probably by reason of fast and intense biomass accumulation in favor of roots in early development. There was no significant difference about nutrient concentration in leaves between plants...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Cerrado; Biomass partitioning; Chlorophyll fluorescence; Leaf gas exchange; Irradiance; Sunflecks.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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